Oct 3 – Fisher Scientific South Dakota State University Avera Science Bldg; 11:00 – 1:30; Brookings, SD (INVITATION ONLY)

Oct 3 – Fisher Scientific South Dakota State University Avera Science Bldg; 11:00 – 1:30; Brookings, SD (INVITATION ONLY)

We are facilitating a research product shows for Fisher Scientific at the Avera Health and Science Center. Avera Health & Science Center opened in July 2010 and features 97,000 square feet of teaching, laboratory and office space as well as 48,600 square feet of research laboratory space. It is home to the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, and the Chemistry Department. Built and equipped at a cost of $50 million with a lead gift of $15 million from Avera Health. Additionally, all relevant departments and their researchers will also be invited.

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