March 20 – University of Alabama Birmingham; 11:30 – 1:30; Birmingham, AL

March 20 – University of Alabama Birmingham; 11:30 – 1:30; Birmingham, AL

UAB embodies a spirit of discovery that advances knowledge, solves real-world problems and drives economic development. Our research faculty ranks among the nation’s best funded and is noted for exceptional mentoring and training — from undergraduate researchers to post-doctoral fellows. This work was supported by more than $527 million in sponsored research funds in FY2018, and it is conducted in the departments of 10 schools, 24 universitywide research centers, UAB hospitals and clinics and field sites by faculty, fellows and students collaborating among themselves and with others around the globe. Research at UAB spans the spectrum and mingles disciplines to investigate, reveal and apply knowledge that changes the lives of individuals and the fates of communities. We do this to provide answers. Solutions. Hope.

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