March 8 – University of Miami Miller School of Medicine RMSB; 9:00 – 10:15; Miami, FL (WAITLISTED)

March 8 – University of Miami Miller School of Medicine RMSB; 9:00 – 10:15; Miami, FL (WAITLISTED)

Every day faculty, staff, and students at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami rigorously pursue new knowledge and innovative approaches to improving human health. Miller School investigators bridge diverse disciplines and collaborate with campuses across the U, as well as with other institutions and corporate partners, to bring research from “bench to bedside.”

Engaging in more than 2,000 ongoing projects, Miller School faculty receive approximately $260 million annually from public and private agencies to conduct a broad spectrum of nationally and internationally recognized research, build state-of-the-art facilities, and support graduate students and postdoctoral trainees. Our researchers are making rapid progress in our labs and clinical trials, working to eradicate devastating illnesses like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, autism, Alzheimer’s, and obesity.

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